“MacGregor’s Curse” is a gripping and adventurous coming-of-age YA story written by Muskoka author Wendy B. Truscott that tackles themes of revenge, family, and grief. Through the brilliant art of storytelling, Truscott brings back the nostalgic days of living in the Muskoka wilderness and its ability to help heal and strengthen the soul.
“So deep was his hurt he didn’t attempt to hold it back.”
After the death of his mother, Jamie MacGregor loses sight of who he is which leads him to commit an act so foul that he suffers immediate guilt and shame. Yet he is unable to shake off his feelings of anger and hate and that makes him vulnerable to a resident in the village who uses blackmail to force Jamie into playing games with dire consequences. Caught between the desire to be a better person and succumbing to the dark emotions of grief, Jamie is forced to own up to his actions or be lost in the games of someone who wishes him harm.
“After all his careful preparations and the successful execution of his plan, he should be experiencing a tremendous sense of satisfaction. But he wasn’t. He felt strangely let down … He’d done the right thing, hadn’t he?”
This novel is a sequel to Truscott’s “Haunted Journey”, but can be read as a stand-alone book as well. It is a beautiful recollection of Muskoka’s past and the way people interact with nature to soothe one’s hurt and suffering. Jamie has a very close connection with the wilderness and often looks to it as a means of safety and comfort when he feels he has no one else to turn to. His story gives insight into how those who seem the most troubled are misled by their suffering. Only when they are shown understanding and the chance to redeem themselves can they be guided into the right direction.
“MacGregor’s Curse” is humorous, heartbreaking, and powerful in its deliverance of a 16-yead-old boy trying to overcome his grief, fight off a bully, and find a way to bring his family together. Truscott’s vivid and thoughtful writing is a pleasure in itself, along with the memorable characters and an adventure that is both healing and wildly entertaining.
“MacGregor’s Curse” (Loon Echo Publications) by Wendy B. Truscott is available for purchase now! Visit the author’s website to find out more at www.wendytruscott.com or visit Wendy’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/hauntedjourney
About the Reviewer: Kaitlyn Sutey lives in Bracebridge, Ontario. She completed a double major in English Literature and Creative Writing in May 2019 from Dalhousie University. Back at home, she spends most of her time reading and writing novels. Kaitlyn aspires to edit manuscripts for a publishing company, and to one day release a novel of her own. See Kaitlyn here .
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