Top 3 Fashion Trends for Summer 2020

Disco collars. High-waist jeans. Crocheted cardigans, blouses, and bikini tops. If any of this sounds familiar, you’re about to be thrust back in time. These ’70s fashion staples are making a comeback in time for Summer 2020 in Muskoka. Here’s a preview of the Top 3 Retro Fashion Trends of the coming season:

“They make us remember the cool girls of the ’70s and ’80s: Madonna, Debbie Harry, Diana, Princess of Wales.”

1) Mom Jeans

Mom Jeans

Disregard the derogatory title. Mom Jeans is just another term for high-waisted denims. And they must be as cool as “we moms” or they’d have another name, don’t you think?. Either way, we’re glad Mom Jeans are back. They’re comfy. They don’t reveal our pesky “muffin-tops”. And they make us remember the cool girls of the ’70s and ’80s: Madonna, Debbie Harry, Diana, Princess of Wales.

2) Disco Collars

Victoria Beckham

Okay, so we never thought we’d see the day Disco Collars came back. Yet here they are, all Studio 54, as shown above by yet another cool girl of yesteryear: Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice). We’re told if we’re going to wear wide collars this summer we’ve got to go all-out: the bolder colour the better. Plus, we’re to pair our Disco Collars with something else—a blazer, an argyle sweater—in order to create contrast. In other words, we should Bend It Like Beckham does.

3) Crochet Caché

Crochet Caché

Crochet tops are making waves once again. Having lived through their first incarnation, we admit we’re flummoxed. Still, we’re stoked to see that crochets of 2020 aren’t quite the Rhoda-kind we saw on network television in 1976. They’re a little more easy, less breezy… if you catch our drift. They carry more caché. Don’t they? What do you think?

Just for fun—and for those of you who weren’t there—here are some of the cool girls we’re talking about:

Princess Di in Mom jeans; Vintage ’70s Rhoda; Debbie Harry, the ultimate cool chick.

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Photos courtesy of Zara, Victoria Beckham & Wikipedia.

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